Artist Isaac Cordal’s Incredible Tiny Sculptures Offer a Chilling View of Climate Change

Science Humors

Galician artist Isaac Cordal, who is well-known for his provocative pieces, has drawn attention to himself and his little sculptures, which provide a critical commentary on the hypocrisy of the powerful and the effects of climate change. The two greatest risks to civilization that are frequently brought up are climate change and the evils of capitalism, yet many of us find it difficult to visualize such distant dangers.

Artist Isaac Cordal provides us with fresh insight into these matters with his thought-provoking As a sobering reminder of the effects of increasing sea levels, Cordal has produced a number of transient and partially submerged works for his “Waiting for Climate Change” series. These eerie sequences, which are peppered with dark comedy, portray the harsh reality of a planet overrun by global warming’s consequences.

The absurdity of politicians and businessmen’s passivity in the face of the impending environmental crisis is highlighted by Cordal’s little figurines, who are frequently depicted as being caught in ridiculous and dangerous situations. For example, in the movie “Follow the Leaders,” little small statues of white men wearing suits are shown clutching to one another in a desperate attempt to drown, signifying the perils of heedlessly adhering to the whims of the strong. These sculptures are a potent critique of the duplicity of those making claims to be combating climate change while actively accelerating it. Cordal’s work acts as a wake-up call, imploring us to act now in order to safeguard the environment and the next generation.

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