Rare Footage Reveals World’s Largest Uncontacted Tribe in Peruvian Amazon Forced from Forest by Logging

An unknown planet has been revealed in the Peruvian Amazon’s interior. Said to be the biggest uncontacted tribe on Earth, the Mashco Piro have been seen on camera close to logging concessions that pose a threat to their way of life. An international outrage and renewed appeals for the conservation of indigenous peoples and their…

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Century-Old Rhododendrons Outgrow 100-Year-Old Woman in Western North Carolina

In a heartwarming tale that’s as big as the plants themselves, a Western North Carolina woman is celebrating her 100th birthday alongside a remarkable botanical companion. Gloria Stenger’s three rhododendron bushes, planted over four decades ago, have grown to be larger than life, mirroring the extraordinary journey of the woman they’ve accompanied. Gloria Stenger, a…

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Science Humors

A Green Testament: A Couple’s 20-Year Journey to Restore a Devastated Forest

People’s efforts can make a big difference in a world where biodiversity loss and climate change are two urgent challenges. One such motivational tale is from Brazil, where a well-known photographer and his spouse set out on an amazing quest to rebuild a ravaged forest. In addition to transforming the land, their unrelenting dedication and…

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Science Humors

Artist Isaac Cordal’s Incredible Tiny Sculptures Offer a Chilling View of Climate Change

Galician artist Isaac Cordal, who is well-known for his provocative pieces, has drawn attention to himself and his little sculptures, which provide a critical commentary on the hypocrisy of the powerful and the effects of climate change. The two greatest risks to civilization that are frequently brought up are climate change and the evils of…

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Science Humors

Dad Takes Daughter’s Photo In Front Of Giant Horse, Looks Closer And Can’t Stop Laughing

Almost everyone carries a cell phone in their pocket these days. It is fantastic because you can capture images almost anytime you come across something intriguing, and occasionally the results are much funnier or more fascinating than you could have anticipated. That is how one father pictured his daughter. He only intended to snap a…

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Unbreakable Glass: The $3M Challenge That No One Could Crack

In 2005, the multinational conglomerate 3M took a bold and unconventional approach to promoting its new security film, Scotch shield. The company placed a glass box filled with $3 million in cash at a bus stop in Vancouver, Canada, and issued a simple challenge: break the glass and keep the money. The stunt quickly captured…

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Science Humors

A Million-Strong Flamingo Flock: Nature’s Spectacle at Lake Nakuru, Kenya

Imagine a vast lake, its shores lined with hundreds of thousands of vibrant pink birds, their long necks and legs creating a mesmerizing silhouette against the backdrop of the African sky. This is the extraordinary sight that awaits visitors to Lake Nakuru, one of Kenya’s most iconic wildlife destinations. A Flamingo Paradise Lake Nakuru, situated…

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Science Humors

The Endurance Rediscovered: Exploring the Remarkable Condition of Shackleton’s Lost Ship 107 Years Later

A group of scientists made a ground-breaking discovery in March 2022 when they discovered the wreckage of Sir Ernest Shackleton’s ship, The Endurance, deep below the Weddell Sea. After being crushed by sea ice, the ship sank 107 years ago, forcing Shackleton and his men to make a risky escape on foot and in small…

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